Restore data from backup

ho dovuto sostituire il server (ho installato la versione 6.7) e non riesco a ripristinare i dati da backup su disco USB

ho provato a seguire la guida per il ripristino dei dati da backup

ma senza alcun esito positivo
potete elencarmi tutta la procedura corretta per il ripristino?


Hi Daniele, sorry but this community is english only could you edit your post translating it in english?

I had to replace the server (I installed version 6.7) and can not restore data from USB disk backup

I tried to follow the guide for restore data from backup

but I did not succeed
you can list all the correct procedure to restore?


Hi Daniele, could you provide more details about your setup and relevant errors or log messages?

Which step of the procedure fails or does not work as expected?

We need more informations to be helpful!

Edit: some guidelines about getting help