QA/Testing Team basic HOWTO

This week-end was a really rainy, and I worked a lot on the wiki.

I saw a little stuff in the user guides, and another stuff in the developer howtos.
This situation let me a strange feeling with the Testing Team…:unamused:

I would like to make few suggestions to valorize the testing team:

  • Rename the “Testing team” in “Quality Team”.
    These guys aren’t KAMIKAZES only, they are writing bug reports, they give return about working stuff too… They participe entirely in the NethServer quality.
    The team name must show this…
  • Reorganize the stuff in the wiki to make the Quality Team at the right valorized place, at the same level of User Guides and Developer HowTo in place to be hidden in userguides and developer howtos.
    This stuff must appear in the wiki left menu, and they must have their onw wiki page, where explain better their work, the bug report procedures, and all quality stuff in general. this part is really important too…

The Quality Team must organize it, and everybody have to participate :wink: