NS8-Paperless NGX App

Let’s celebrate!!!
Good Job Martin, that’s the first NS8 module from the community.

Thank you @stephdl you’re our “NS8 dev coach”


@stephdl did a tremendous Job, i know understand alot more about how modules work and how to build them than i knew Before. and i am sure most members of the community suffer from the same challenge.

Looking forward to imporving on the module, and in near future working on more modules.

Help would still be required, especially in the initial stages, as new concepts are required for different kinds of modules so the dev team, i hope you dont get tired in the bombardment of questions and requests for support on looking into module issues, and sometime, (hopeffly not many times) submitting a PR.


From you experience how can we help people that want convert a generic container or an old howto’s for ns7 into a module for ns8? Only coaching them over the journey as Steph did with you?

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Not Necessarily, the other module contributors in the community i think might have abit more experience with bash scripts and Docker than i do. but we also need to look beyond, especially for new comers.

One community member mentioned that they can’t build modules at the moment because they don’t have a testing server and mine costs about $33 monthly to operate so, its also not that lean. If Nethesis or someone in the community with extra resources could provide a a dev testing server with a wildcard domain attached, maybe it might help some of those cases.

the best way i think from the dev side at the moment, is going through some of the existing modules, and explaining the functionality of the module, what each section of the module does and why, and how to define and set the different parameters and requirements.

That if translated into a video, would be kind of a guid/reference, and would minimize individual coaching and also provide a reference for other non community members…
in the future. Short precise videos split into sections,

The individual coaching could also work, but i am not sure its practical for many, so the (master class) might be better, and the individual coaching, if need be would be Q and A mostly and allitle help, plus the other community members would be best equipped to assist and share the workload with the dev.

Just my thought.


this is a question I have to answer during 10 years, the day I started with a private repository, how to code by a sustainable way I must admit I have always put my money/time inside but I found some ways to decrease the amount

First I build locally what I need, a droplet like digital ocean is only when I have some needs to test like let’s encrypt certificates

The build can be done on my laptop, I can upload by ssh the podman images to a test machine either locally by KVM or a remote by proxmox (I changed my 10 years server this year $$$$$), I can share on the script to do it, very simple)

if [[  -z $1 ]];then
    echo "#
# usage 

build the image of a volume  and upload to the /root of VM:
    build-module <image-name> <rootr@server>
    build-module mariadb:latest <root@server>
list all images available to scp (podman images)
    build-module ls"
    exit 0
if [[ $1 == 'ls' ]];then
    podman images
    exit 0
if [[ -z $2 ]]; then 
    echo "We have not the user@domain.com"
    exit 0
if [[ -f build-images.sh ]];then
    bash +x build-images.sh
    podman save $1 |  ssh $2 podman load
    echo "We have not found build-images.sh script"
    exit 0

to use it in the path of your project do (I assume the name of the repository is mariadb in your buildscript)

build-module mariadb:latest <root@server>

and you upload your images build locally on your laptop to a server, local or remote

then to install it it is the same

add-module ghcr.io/nethserver/mariadb:latest

I see two issues with my buildscript

  1. you must have bandwidth, because you depend of your internet connexion, a server on the internet does not have this problem
  2. my script is not well adapted to a build with several image but I think I can enhance it, however in your case it is enough

Second I have started fundraising that have never cover the cost but they have limited them.

Third, doing code Like I did I have been well identified and I have been hired (Thank nethesis team, I cannot ping them all here because they are so numerous but they will recognize themselves) or I have found few missions to debug, fix, or make new code (do not expect much people love free code as free beer) and It helped to pay the hardware and time put in the project.

Well no direct answers and only the time can help to fix them but I am quite sure we can help you if you help the project


Hello Everyone, As a New Year Gift, I would Like to Announce that the Paperless NGX Module is Now on Release Candidate 2. here is the Link:


add-module ghcr.io/compgeniuses/paperlessngx:latest 1

Release 1.0.0-RC2 · compgeniuses/ns8-paperless-ngx (github.com)

After Installing the Module, you can Enable the Module by setting the hostname, Username and Password from the Admin UI.

you can then launch your Module from the Status Page

At the Moment, for reasons i dont yet understand, the UI elements are refusing to load the language translations.

BAckup and restore has been implemented, And the Module Submitted to the Nethforge Repo

Add Paperless NGX by compgeniuses · Pull Request #3 · NethServer/ns8-nethforge (github.com)

Kindly feel Free to Play around with the new Toy for Nethserver 8 in 2028.

Currently working on the Documentation, as well as Documenting Nextcloud Integration for File Sync capabilities.

completely Uninstalling and restoring the app work


PLease test test test and report anything weired you notice.

HAppy NEw YEar Guys


I guess that is a library component that uses a separate language catalog. Is another PR needed somewhere else, @andre8244 ?

I can’t wait 2028 :joy:



Sorry if has been already asked but are Tika and Gotenberg bundled in the stable version? Or are they still in the todo list?

tika and Gotenberg are included inside the pod, they are common requirement for paperless-ngx, we share over http but no way to reach them by outside, security is not concerned I think

the database is postgresql, with the backup/restoration script


PaperlessNGX Updated to Version 2.3.1

Version 2.3 release Notes: Release Paperless-ngx v2.3.0 · paperless-ngx/paperless-ngx (github.com)

The New Version Introduces Workflows,

Causing for Some very Interesting Document Use-Cases.

OCR settings now Have an Interface, So Should be easier to change, or configure languages, without invoking the Module Configure SCript.

After testing the Module Update Procedure, and checking that ll is fine, I have Pushed a new Release for the NS8 Module. Release NS8 Paperless NGX V1.1.0 Upgrade Paperless Version · compgeniuses/ns8-paperless-ngx (github.com)


Is integration into NextCloud possible or even planned?

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you can take a look at this here, for the progress on that.
Implement and Document Nextcloud PAperless Integration · Issue #13 · compgeniuses/ns8-paperless-ngx (github.com)

Yes, Nextcloud Integration is Planned, I am working with Steph to figure out the best way to have it implemented with the Nextcloud Module available.

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That sounds awesome.
I use SMB shares integrated in NC as external shares. I would prefer if Paperless could also use these shares.

Many successes and have fun with this interesting project, Marko

I had no Idea that PAperless had a Mobile client available here: GitHub - astubenbord/paperless-mobile: An (almost) fully fledged mobile paperless client.

:rocket: Highlights

:heavy_check_mark: View your documents at a glance
:heavy_check_mark: Add, delete or edit documents
:heavy_check_mark: Share, download and preview files
:heavy_check_mark: Manage and assign labels
:heavy_check_mark: Scan and upload documents to paperless
:heavy_check_mark: Upload existing documents from other apps via Paperless Mobile
:heavy_check_mark: Easily process and manage new documents in the dedicated inbox
:heavy_check_mark: Search for documents using a wide range of filter criteria
:heavy_check_mark: Secure your data with a biometric factor
:heavy_check_mark: Support for TLS mutual authentication (client certificates)
:heavy_check_mark: Modern, intuitive UI built according to the Material Design 3 specification
:heavy_check_mark: Available in English, German, Polish, French, Catalan, Czech and Turkish language with more to come

SSO for PAperless

SSO Authentication for Paperless> sweet>

And someone is working on a WOnderful New YEar Present: https://github.com/paperless-ngx/paperless-ngx/pull/5190

this is the year that PDF files and many documents will stop bothering me again.
stirling PDF and calibre web > linuxserver/docker-calibre-web (github.com) coming soon…


uhhh good Job. It looks really interesting

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1: paperlessngx is listed twice when te repo is added and enabled. Testing is off. Both versions show the same version number 1.2.1

2; when stirlingpdf is installed version 1.0.2, Images docker.io/frooodle/s-pdf:0.21.0, the exact same version is being offered as an update.
Update: It seems that the description of the package is not being updated according to the version installed/to be installed.

The one from my repo should be removed.
I have a new version of paperless coming up, it will feature SSO which was implemented in v2. 5 still WIP I can publish a pre-release for testing if you’re interested.

That’s weired, let me look into it.

Overall, my repo is not officially published yet, and am still testing and figuring stuff out.

For example for reasons I don’t know, I ca t get Joplin to be published on software center.

@LayLow I have known what the update issue is with StirlingPDF.

The core App. Components of Nethserver App were updated, but the underlying package images remained the same version.

If I add say a new setting page or button within the Nethserver App and release it, technically it’s a new version of the Nethserver app, this is even though the container packages remained the same.

App package updates in Nethserver 8, do not necessarily equate to new container versions.

Uhh, what is are you actually saying and what is the solution? :wink:

Just update to the latest and greatest. As long as you’re not on testing branch. While we take alot of care before merging commits into main, and releasing as pre-release. Take the necessary note to read the commits on the releases.

I do the same even with Nethserver, I must read the changelog of any dev releases because twice I bricked my server…

I was testing the repo only. No real need to paperlessngx atm, so no need for me for a pre-release.

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