NS with KVM and libvirt or proxmox?

What about “NS with KVM and libvirt or proxmox”?
Just to have proxmox in the title.

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Usually you’ll want the IP in your LAN. That tends to make administration (Web) easier.
In a very large organisation or university, it might make sense to have a completly seperated Management LAN, but otherwise: NO !!!




The thing is, ProxMox is sooo stable that it made my system UN-BOOTABLE after an UPDATE.
I am using ZFS and after the upgrade i tried fixing it but it just wont work.
Lucky enough the old kernel works to some degree, that is enough for me, with the the old userland tools. ZFS + SPL utilities also got updated.
Other things like zfs send wont work anymore.
And i have set up my own zfs autosnapshoting also.
That has nothing to do with the system not being able to boot after an update :slight_smile:

Now i’m trying to move away from ProxMox and over to Nethserver on bare metal.
Which i have to say runs super nice with KVM + WebVirtMgr.

I want to convert my proxmox setup to NS in the long run.
My problem with Proxmox is that i can do all that it gives me without it :slight_smile:

No handmade ZFS , since it doesn’t get to boot from its own installed separate ZFS, different HDD, different pool.
The handmade part comes later :slight_smile:

both nethserver and proxmox use KVM via libvirt.

proxmox do some trick which allow you

  • to store your VM into ZFS;
  • use cache like write-back without configuration;
  • backup and snapshot via the webui;
  • use apparmor even it don’t really matter in that case.

nethserver allow you to at the barebone level;

  • share data via SMB / NFS on the host;
  • use the host as a reverse-proxy;
  • build a authentification services (LDAP/AD);
  • could filter the input and output via suricata;

basically what is missing on the Nethserver side:

  • few config to allow the write-cache through even if it’s not recommended in all case; {OPTIONAL}
  • snapshot on lvm via an interface; {REQUIRED}
  • backup of these snapshot; {OPTIONAL}

because ZFS is nice but not awesome

at the end what I see really often is:

proxmox for replication (cronosync)

  • zentyal or nethserver as infra manager (DNS, SMB, LDAP, MAIL, …)

for smaller enterprise OMV as fileshare over proxmox (even OMV support VirtualBox, it’s what OMV recommend on their forum).

but I would love to remove the proxmox layer by like VM of KVM on a NAS and/or if Hotsync could manage snapshot and tranfert of libvirt. :wink:


Maybe for a home environment or test lab using KVM on a NAS (Eg. Synology has a “commercial” version available which generally works fine). would be ok.
A downside is sometimes the “exotic” CPU on the NAS.

For Business use cases I DO prefer using the ProxMox layer - just for the additional layer of safety / security that provides. Update issues (eg NS 7.3>7.4), Imaging, whatever.
I still use NethServer as the primary Network Server (Auth, DHCP, DNS, File, NextCloud, etc.).

If you really want to do things at the barebone level, why do you need a VM at all? I mean, you “can” install a whole lot of stuff on NethServer - way beyond what is available from the modules / forums.
OK, Windows Server for an App or certain Programm (Not Exchange!!!) can be a valid reason…

But then, why even a NethServer? Just buy any decent NAS (Synology 4-Bay or better) and make that into your Server…

I use NethServer as a general server, because that’s what it is for.
I use NAS for Large Storage and Backups - but not for User-Files (None of my clients are in the Media business).
And I use ProxMox as the base for Virtualization - as it’s in my opinion “Best of Breed” in that category.

As a Swiss I always carry a Swiss Army knife with me. Wether it’s the screwdriver, knife, or cork opener - they’re all very usable tools. But when I really need a Screwdriver, I’ll get one and use it!
The universal tool can NEVER be Best of breed, it has to be generic. A specialist tool is - a spezialized tool for that duty…

For Testing or Lab purposes - anything can be tried or tested! That’s what such an environment is for.

Home use can have a lot of non-technical issues, like budget, space, power consumption, noise level and / or WAF (Wife acceptency factor), among others…


My 2 cents…

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