NethServer vs ClearOS


ClearOS is a really good distro with a long history, so there’s a strong background.
The ClearOS team push mainly the linux distribution as a Gateway/Firewall, wich able to do File Server, Active Directory Server…
When the Nethserver team push the distro as an all in one system, wich able to act as Gateway/Router.

Is sightly different because there`s ClearOS module absent from the Nethserver, I mainly thinking about ads filter…

I must talk about the GUI: the ClearOS has a well polished GUI, very aesthetic, but with a bad ergonomic, for example, the left menu, is a three levels menu with hover/accordeon effect that finally hide information.
The over bad thing, in my opinion, is that in all pageg there’s the information about “vendor” and “support policy” that feel it`s a too comercial product…
And it’s not very clear if ClearOS is RHEL based or CentOS Based, or if it’s a mixed bag…

Nethserver is a community driven distro, the application center is here without being “predominant”.
Nethserver is young as is, but has a “SME Linuxbackgrount” too.
And Nethserver is well assumed CentOS based, so all the Centos valuable documentation work fine with NS. :smile: