Nethserver on Raspberry Pi


yesterday i’ve tried to build on arm… build ok install conflict
I no longer have the rpi2… waiting for rpi3 but
i’ve tested with rpmrebuild the package builded on x86_64 vs arm


%attr(0644, root, root) “/etc/yum/vars/distroversion”
%attr(0755, root, root) “/usr/sbin/nethserver-arm-preconf”
%attr(0755, root, root) “/usr/sbin/nethserver-install”
%dir %attr(0755, root, root) “/usr/share/doc/nethserver-release-7arm”
%doc %attr(0644, root, root) “/usr/share/doc/nethserver-release-7arm/COPYING”


%attr(0644, root, root) “/etc/yum/vars/distroversion”
%dir %attr(0755, root, root) “/usr”
%dir %attr(0755, root, root) “/usr/sbin”
%attr(0755, root, root) “/usr/sbin/nethserver-arm-preconf”
%attr(0755, root, root) “/usr/sbin/nethserver-install”
%dir %attr(0755, root, root) “/usr/share/doc/nethserver-release-7arm”
%doc %attr(0644, root, root) “/usr/share/doc/nethserver-release-7arm/COPYING”

i’m quite sure that if you comment the line:
%dir %attr(0755, root, root) “/usr/sbin”

…the rebuild should give an installable package… :pray:
ofcourse i don’t know why there are those (and other) differences :persevere:

if you want to try rpmrebuild on rpi2 i’ve added it t our epel-repo so
yum install rpmrebuild should work, then
rpmrebuild -pe nethserver-release-??.rpm

Throw the towel for mock, to unfamiliar with it…

if perl-Krb5.spec is build using mock, rpm -i --test says it for a different architecture. Same spec using rpmbuild come out fine…?? :astonished:

I’m not familiar with mock, too, but I used nethserver-mock which hides mock behind the command make-rpms.
I followed the instructions here:
It’s been a straightforward and simple process.

To be frank, the only thing i like about mock is mock --init…

But i’v got it! :sweat_smile: it’s the mishmash of armv7l - armv7hl - armhpf;
in the mock cfg:

config_opts['target_arch'] = 'armv7hl'
config_opts['legal_host_arches'] = ('armv7l')
""").substitute(distroversion=distroversion, basearch='armhfp', releasever=releasever, infra='stock')

with this successfully built netserver-release-arm7 and perl-Krb5

@dz00te Pushed it to github, the nethserver-mock package can be build using initial mock cfg (thx @filippo_carletti) ; if is its oke mock package in repo could be updated.

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Testing nethserver-base-2.10.1-1.80.gf831fcb.ns7.noarch.rpm and (as expected) installs without mdadm, thx!

Like the initial DHCP support, don’t have to use the current workaround removing NetworkworkManager before system-init. Nice :slight_smile:
Although having some troubles with it, the pi is connected to a test lan “behind” two internal routers. After system-init resolf.conf contains only 2 internal dns servers, it cant resolve external domains. This go’s on list of my personal quick’s need to be fixed :flushed:

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Hi all, we’dd just updated the nethserver-arm repo’s (see Nethserver for ARM/PI devel questions)

We added some extra packages

  • Statistics (nethserver-collectd)
  • Mail Server
  • Openvpn
  • Build system (nethserver-mock)

The mail server pushes a PI to it’s hardware limitations. :anguished: Especially the memory usage of ClamAV is worrying. If someone knows ways to push resource usage of ClamAV down please let us know!

To try it out follow the wiki, and keep us posted of your test results.

Keep in mind it’s is still alpha (of an alpha) :slight_smile:
BTW it run’s fine on a rpi3, just use the right centos-userland.

EDIT : OOPS discovert a fault in /etc/mock/nethserver-7-armhfp.cfg
Will be oke with next update. (DONE)


You need to remove rules (main and daily c*d files).
And disable freshclam.

Cant find freshclam, is this the freshclam-sleep cron ??

This frees up about 250MB of memory;
What are the consequences of this and the above?

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Set FRESHCLAM_DELAY=disabled in /etc/sysconfig/freshclam.
Removing main.c*d, some old virii will not be detected.


I have just started testing Nethserver on my RasPi 3. I followed the Wiki and the install has gone perfectly. I can ssh to the server and the Web interface is working. :smiley:
I have one network card and I am on my own internal lan. Can I set static IP from the Web interface, (not obvious how to do so, as the edit option on the Network configuration screen don’t seem to have an option to set ip), or do I do it from the command line?

@mark_nl or @jackyes will be happy to help, definitely

Yes, it’s not quite clear how to do this (go to):
Network > Edit (interface) > choose “Internet (red)” from the pull-down menu and (without saving anything) “LAN (green)” again. (@giacomo …)

You be able to set a fixed IP, its not possible to set it back to “DHCP” once a fixed IP is set.

Tnx for testing!

mini howto wireless network

(on a rpi3: install firmware as described in README in root directory)

show all network interfaces
ip a

Look for your wireless interface (probably wlan0).
This mini-howto assumes wlan0 is the interface to be configured.

Systemd unit wpa_supplicant loads configuration from /etc/sysconfig/wpa_supplicant --and–

edit /etc/sysconfig/wpa_supplicant

# Use the flag "-i" before each of your interfaces, like so:
#  INTERFACES="-ieth1 -iwlan0"

setup your network credentials:
edit /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf ; and add


start and enable wpa_supplicant.service:

systemctl start wpa_supplicant
systemctl enable wpa_supplicant

check the results: (wpa_state=COMPLETED if authentication to wifi network succeeded)
wpa_cli status

run the config-network script. (this is quite a blunt tool, i don’t know a better one :hushed:)

wlan0 can be configured in the web-gui.:slight_smile:


Thanks Mark. Worked perfectly.
Also the response of the web interface is good and very usable.


Don’t know where to post this, so I probably take the more generic post of all.

I followed instructions on wiki and the mini-howto fom @mark_nl some post before and all worked perfectly.

The only thing that didn’t work out of the box was the wireless interface. Plus, once manually configured (following wifi mini-howto) and assigned a role within the NethGUI, on restart the interface wouldn’t automatically go in up state.

You may fix it (and onboot behavior of the wlan0 interface) with the following commands:

db configuration set wpa_supplicant service status enabled mkdir /etc/e-smith/db/configuration/defaults/wpa_supplicant echo "service" > /etc/e-smith/db/configuration/defaults/wpa_supplicant/type echo "enabled" > /etc/e-smith/db/configuration/defaults/wpa_supplicant/status signal-event runlevel-adjust


the mini how-to is based on the alpha-2 @dev-team has done a realy good job,
“new” interfaces are recognized now.

This looks like it’s close to a new module for nethserver(-arm) :slight_smile:

I’v been thinking about it, did not figure out a way to filter out the wireless interfaces other that the name starts with a “w”.

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19 posts were split to a new topic: Build web filter modules for ARM

CentOS has just released the ARM64 build:


@arm_team would you like to spend some time with that?

yes, i’m following it but from what i know, actually only very nice and very expensive enterprise-class ARMv8 board are fully supported.
ordroid-c2 and pine64 are community supported at the moment, but i have only a rpi3 maybe it’s time tu buy an ordroid…

more info:

and for rpi3: