
hallo stephane, i found a simple solution. Just did a shellscript with runuser and call this via crontab.

runuser root -c “vboxmanage -q controlvm “VM” acpipowerbutton” >/var/log/vbox

seems to work for my task.

Where is located vboxmanage ?

Edit -> /usr/bin

Strange ?

does it work for your problem also?

I solved my issue with a systemd init script for each vm i must start and pause with the system so i don’t need to use a crontab :slight_smile:


Hallo Stephane,
may I ask you to add a feature to crontab-manager? It would be very comfortable and helpfull to see the sceduled times of cronjobs in the crontab-manager window. Is this possible?
Thanks in advance. Ralf

Valuable NFR but not so easy to do with the code I gave, OK the code can be changed of course.

I added in the crontab table the field of advanced settings (enabled/disabled) because the sysadmin could do an error on the scheduling of his cron job, so to put there when the job is launched makes sense.

NFR, what does it mean? :blush:

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@stephdl about NFR

I most like “Nurses for Reform” :grinning:

I got it: New Feature Request. Oh Friday, 13th. I need a weekend. I’m going for beer. :beer: cheers.

And I have faith in your skills, stephane. I’m sure you will get a solution. :wink:

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Chaque problème a au moins une solution. Si il n’y a pas de solutions, c’est qu’il n’y a pas de problème.

Every problem has at least one solution. If there are no solutions, is that there is no problem.


Nethserver 7.2 RC2
Crontabmanager 0.7
After i restore a Configuration Backup, i am not able to use Crontabmanager again. I uninstall it, install it reinstall it etc. It shows the old entrys but dont work. If i try to edit or delete the entrys i got an error “The remote server is not reachable” Samba is still present. Any Ideas?

Do it again and try to catch the full event nethserver-crontabmanager-update complete.

tailf /var/log/messages

Nethserver-crontab-manager doesn’t use samba I guess you found a bug with the Configuration Backup and its restoration

you mean that the cron jobs are not launched ???

what is the status of crond

systemctl status crond

â crond.service - Command Scheduler
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/crond.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Sun 2016-11-20 10:27:51 CET; 2h 19min ago
Main PID: 2180 (crond)
CGroup: /system.slice/crond.service
ââ2180 /usr/sbin/crond -n

Nov 20 10:27:51 systemd[1]: Started Command Scheduler.
Nov 20 10:27:51 systemd[1]: Starting Command Scheduler…
Nov 20 10:27:51 crond[2180]: (CRON) INFO (RANDOM_DELAY wil…)
Nov 20 10:27:51 crond[2180]: (CRON) INFO (running with ino…)
Nov 20 10:43:01 crond[2180]: (system) RELOAD (/etc/crontab)
Nov 20 10:46:01 crond[2180]: (root) CAN’T OPEN (/etc/cront…y
Nov 20 10:56:01 crond[2180]: (root) CAN’T OPEN (/etc/cront…y
Hint: Some lines were ellipsized, use -l to show in full.
[root@sbs ~]#

Wow, cool! Why did i not see this earlier?

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take a look to modules [NethServer Wiki]


You don’t answer to my qestion please, moreover try to paste the answer that I can read it in a comfortable way

If you don’t do that the lines are break and it is quite impossible to read it :cry:

sorry stephane, i dont get it right yesterday, i try today

Let us know about your tests!

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