NethServer 7.2 alpha 3 - "First Blood"

Thank you very much for your feedback @GG_jr!

I see you set as FQDN. Your screenshot shows also the inline manual which has not been updated. I must fix it…

It’s very important to pick a good FQDN to join or operate as DC in Active Directory.

The domain part constitute the default AD realm name. The first segment of the domain part constitute the default NT domain name. By now the UI does not allow to change this defaults and maybe it will never allow it.

Thus I guess is too short as FQDN. Please try by adding a level, at least. For instance

Or even one more

Mind also the Samba/Microsoft guidelines for domain names. This FAQ are a good starting point


Hi Davide,

Your’e welcome!
This is my job, no? :wink:

Thanks for information and advice.

I just wanted to see how it is look and to try first steps, on a VM.

Next week, at the office, I will install NS 7.2a3 on a dedicated server, with a real FQDN.
I hope to do that from Monday but I will have a very hard week.
At least I will install as fast I will can the NS and then I will can “play” with NS and from home.

I don’t have 2 servers to try separate Samba AD-DC and Email ( I wish to try both …).

Just now I have finished to install a new VM. I have tried to install only modules for email but I got the same error with YUM CHACHE.
I will try to install the modules, one by one.

I will keep you all informed about this (words and pictures).

Any way, the final test will be on a real hardware.

Kind regards,


I have tried to set up NS v7.2a3 as email server with “SOGo groupware”.

First of all, after the installation of the NS v7.2a3 and after you have installed all the updates, you must choose what kind of “Account provider” want to use, between:

  1. Account provider: OpenLDAP
  2. Account provider: Samba Active Directory


EDIT on 22.05.2016


If you have another server in your network that have OpenLDAP or AD services running, you can to connect to them before choosing what “Account provider” will be installed on NS (please see the attached pictures):

Management -> Users and groups:

  • None (disabled): if you want to install on this NS OpenLDAP Account provider or Samba AD Account provider
  • LDAP: if you want to connect to another server which run LDAP service
  • Active Directory: if you want to connect to another server which run Active Directory service

End of EDIT

Only after that, proceed to the next step(s).

So, for the email server, from "Software center I have selected the following modules, in the next order:

Step 1:

  • Account provider: OpenLDAP

Step 2:

  • Email (Email server and filter) without “nethserver-roundcubemail”
  • SMTP proxy (SMTP proxy)
  • SOGo groupware with “nethserver-sogo-thunderbird” and “sogo-frontends”

At the end of the Step 2 I have got, the well known for now, “RED BANNER” with “Resolving RPM dependncies” and “CLEAR YUM CHACHE” button.

After many tries, I figured out that the error comes from the “SOGo groupware” module and “sogo-frontends” add-on: without this add-on there are no errors but ofcourse, SOGo don’t work. The proper order for installation is:

Step 2:

  • Email (Email server and filter) without “nethserver-roundcubemail”
  • SMTP proxy (SMTP proxy)

Step 3:

  • SOGo groupware without “nethserver-sogo-thunderbird” and “sogo-frontends”

Step 4:

  • Edit “SOGo groupware” and add “nethserver-sogo-thunderbird”

“sogo-frontends” cannot be installed.

Now I will go to sleep!

Kind regards,


@davidep: Cannot create user with email address as “username” (with OpenLDAP Account provider - please see the attached picture).

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Did you get in troubles with some specific package? AFAIK all services should start correctly even if the account source has not been configured!

You should not specify the “domain suffix”. It is appended by SSSD according to the system domain. I think we should make it explicit on the user creation form.

The package is missing from our repos. I’m investigating.

Hi Davide,

I suppose that if is nothing configured/installed, you cannot create users.

I’m just arrived at the office and I will install NS7.2a3 on a dedicated hardware and I will test in better conditions.

After I read the documentation for Samba, still I have a question for you: which is the best approach for FQDN for an AD server, or pdc-ad.mydomain.local?

(My Windows AD is pdc.mydomain.local)

I still looking for the situation of a multidomain emailserver, when the user name for email client configuration can be “” and not only “firstname.lastname”.

Again, after a new installation, I will test deeply.


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Try NethServer 7 alpha 3 out!


I just installed, updated and added Samba AD module on a dedicated hardware.

Question: what IP address should be entered during DC configuration? Isn’t the same IP as the server has (


As the message box says, the IP must not be assigned to any other device on your green network, so it must be free.

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Thank you!

So, I just check the box (Create a bridge interface for the green network) and press “START DC”. Yes?

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“it must be free” means empty? I think no …

I think I don’t understand well …

I think i your case a free IP in edit 192.168.1.x range…

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My range is

“Free” meaning “not assigned”

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Sorry, see edit

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Thank you @davidep, @mark_nl !

As we are on the subject, why do we need a vanilla samba in the nspawn container?

Stupid question: why two IPs for the same server?


SAMBA dc runs in a systemd nspawn container.


Good catch! Because Samba 4 runs inside a container which is basically a virtual machine inside the real NS :slight_smile:

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Samba upstream package does not provide the DC role, by now.

@giacomo and @mark_nl already answered, I just want to add: Samba itself suggests keeping the file server / domain controller roles on separate servers.

They say:

Whilst the Domain Controller seems capable of running as a full file server, it is suggested that organisations run a distinct file server to allow upgrades of each without disrupting the other

Moreover, I must admit it simplified a lot the configuration both on the file server side (the “host” machine) and the domain controller side (the “guest” machine/container).

So I’m sure an additional IP address is a small price to pay for having them both on NS7 :wink: