Hello Alessandro and thanks for the warm welcome.
It is a pleasure for me to be able to speak with such an active and supportive community.
My name is Emiliano Vavassori, I’m adviser at Bergamo Linux User Group (BgLUG). Bergamo is a small but nice city in the north of Italy, come visit it
With BgLUG we activated a new project, trying to bring Linux and FOSS in schools (mainly, primary and secondary): “Linux va a scuola” (which translated is Linux goes to school) and NethServer Community edition is involved being our main infrastructure server
Our projects is based on a technical part, which I try to explain in few words, plus big training sessions provided to all the teachers:
- A base system training, provided by us;
- A technical training for non-professional ITs, aiming to making the school autonomous for the support of the labs, also provided by us;
- A office automation suite training, provided by with the help of LibreItalia (LibreOffice Italian community);
- Additional specific software courses, based on the needs of the teachers (read: Geogebra, Stellarium, Epoptes).
At the moment, NethServer is a primary domain controller, providing to its Edubuntu clients:
- Centralized authentication (winbind);
- Roaming profiles (based on SMB shares);
- Centralized installation of packages via custom NethGui interface (see nethserver-networkpackagemanager and doraemon);
- Configuration management of clients via git and ansible-pull;
- Transparent proxying with SSL.
Also, we configured onboard an Ubuntu repository with apt-mirror, to be able to provide via unattended-upgrades all the security patches Canonical will put out for its LTS distributions.
We unfortunately don’t have a page for the project, yet. You may check out our GitHub repositories, in which you may find:
- Our ansible playbooks to configure NethServer;
- The ansible playbook to manage the configuration on the clients via ansible-pull;
- Our main factotum service, doraemon;
- The NethGui extension to manage a set of packages to be installed/removed from client machines.
I am here for any other questions you may have about the project
Let’s meet at Fosdem 2016, by the way