Il y a des Français par ici? 🇫🇷

Quand j’ai un peu de temps je peux regarder, et voir ce que je peut traduire


ola, l’été est fini, au boulot :slight_smile:

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Si vous pouvez venir Ă  toulouse le 18 novembre, venez parler nethserver au capitole du libre.

La météore NethServer, un serveur Linux pour les non-experts
 stephane de labrusse
 Samedi 18 novembre 17:30 – 18:00
NethServer est un système d'exploitation orienté serveur (basé sur Centos).

Son ADN est d’éviter la configuration du système par le terminal, ce qui permet de diminuer le coût global d'apprentissage. La conférence sera un tour des fonctionnalités, modules et une présentation de la jeune et brillante communauté.

C’est noté.

2/11 : (Oups, c’est la journée du marché au gras. Avec tous les confits à faire je ne pense pas pouvoir venir …).

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Ol les français, il nous manque tjrs des traducteurs…au boulot.

Sorry my comment in English. German people are organizing some kind of meetup in a bar in Vienna.
Where are you based? @Crazyusb @Remy @Schawy @crazyusb @it.ariesgroup @auto_bitacora @asrix @Conrado_Rebuffo1 @Andi_Domi @rothere @Fahim_Azami @Nicolas_Ruiz @Jorge_Karim_Ledesma @fcarvalho @Horacio_Marasso @elliotness1 @SilvinaB @bruno

@rezzakilla @barreb @Remy @maja2020 @Romain_Pissonnier

I’m from France and I live around Rennes

I live in the best ever country in the world: aveyron (Rodez, south of france)…If I say that it is not only because I’m in love, but also because I think it.



Salut les copains, depuis le stand NethServer que j’ai tenu à Capitole du Libre (Toulouse) en octobre 2019, je peux voir sur la carte 30 serveurs de plus en France, vous savez quoi je suis fier de moi, enfin cette fois, c’est pas tout le temps :smiley:

J’ai vraiment hâte des JDLL à lyon en avril ou j’ai postulé pour animer un stand durant 2 jours. Si d’ici là vous voulez m’inviter pour parler NethServer dans votre GUL, votre événement OpenSource, contactez moi

Hi mates, since the stand NethServer I animate at the capitole du Libre (Toulouse) in October 2019, I can see on the map 30 servers more in France, you know what I am proud, but only for this time :smiley:

I cannot wait the JDLL at Lyon in April where I applied to animate a stand for two days. If you want to ask me to speak NethSever for your LUG, for your opensource event, contact me.

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Bon encore un peu de boulot, je suis en train de faire un site en français pour promouvoir le projet NethServer…encore en alpha

I am working on a french website to spread the project, still WIP


Salut Stéphane,

Modeste contribution d’un petit cousin québécois à la communauté francophone pour mon premier anniversaire avec NethServer.

Cours NethServer-101

Le Cours NethServer-101 , se voulant une base solide pour la création d’un site de Commerce en ligne , comprend plusieurs cahiers:

Cahier-01: → Les bases de Linux.
Cahier-02: → Installation et configuration des logiciels prérequis sur le poste de travail.
Cahier-03: → Création d’un Serveur NethServer virtuel.
Cahier-04: → Serveur NethServer LOCAL & Let’s Encrypt.
Cahier-05: → FAI, modem VDSL, domaine FQDN1) et Serveur NethServer physique.
Cahier-06: → Installation de WordPress.
Cahier-07: → Installation de l’extension de sécurité Wordfence.
Cahier-08: → WooCommerce, comptes chez Stripe et PayPal pour les paiements en ligne.
Cahier-09: → Sauvegarde/restauration ou migration d’un site avec l’extension Duplicator.
Cahier-10: → Serveur mandataire inversé.
Cahier-11: → Sauvegarde/restauration avec BackupPC.

Cours NethServer-201

Le Cours NethServer-201 décrit l’installation et la configuration d’applications sur un serveur NethServer.

Cahier-201-01: → Dolibarr.
Cahier-201-02: → Odoo-12.
Cahier-201-03: → MediaWiki.
Cahier-201-04: → DokuWiki.
Cahier-201-05: → Moodle.
Cahier-201-06: → Proxmox.
Cahier-201-07: → Flectra.
Cahier-201-08: → Self Service Password.

Cours NethServer-301

Le Cours NethServer-301 décrit l’annuaire Active Directory roulant sur un Serveur NethServer .

Cahier-301-01: → RSAT (Remote Server Administration Tools) .
Cahier-301-02: → NethServer et migration de LDAP vers Active Directory .
Cahier-301-03: → Active Directory & Self Service Password.
Cahier-301-04: → Active Directory & jonction de stations.




Je ne peux pas les consulter sur mon téléphone

An error occurred during a connection to Cannot communicate securely with peer: no common encryption algorithm(s). Error code: SSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP

en français dans le texte

Une erreur est survenue pendant une connexion à Impossible de communiquer en mode sécurisé avec le pair : aucun algorithme de chiffrement en commun.


Que se passe t’il

Edit, les liens vers les articles sont non fonctionnels mais le lien général fonctionne :
En fait je peux lire ton dokuwiki en http mais pas en https

Bonjour a tous,

J ai bien utiliser, pour monter plusieurs Nethserver sans aucun problème.
Il suffit de lire, et de suivre les explications, c est parfait, merci Michel.
De plus Michel André et toujours présent si besoin.
Je suis de Lyon.

Good morning all,

I have well use, to mount several Nethserver without any problem.
Just read, and follow the explanations, it’s perfect, thank you Michel.
In addition Michel André and always present if necessary.
I am from Lyon.


hola companero, effectivement est consultable, mais ne passe pas chez moi (fedora31 FF & chrome)

avec un peu de bol, je serai en avril sur Lyon, j’espere bien pouvoir vous serrer une paire de pince les NethServians

@michelandre I read your training on rsat and windows, you gave me what I missed since a long time when I hear about samba AD, how to make things happen.

I could read that for each windows you manually add some dns entries inside the hosts like file of Microsoft. I wonder if the samba AD container could not help you to resolve it through RSAT

I must confess, I am a noob for all concerning microsoft, hence my question

Hi Stéphane,

Thank you a thousand times for reporting the error with https.

I think the error is due to the Let’s Encrypt certificate.

Until I find the cause of the problem, I temporarily removed the https and replaced them with http in the above links.

I am inserting DNS entries in the file C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts, only because I do not have a DNS server for my LOCAL network.
In addition, the domain name of my NethServer on the development virtual machine on my LOCAL network has the same domain name as that on my main NethServer connected directly to the Internet. The entries in the hosts file of my workstation allow me to reach my virtual server instead of my main server.

When I have finished checking the virtual machine, I stop it and I remove the entries in the hosts file. In addition, I empty the web browser cache and that of the station with “ipconfig /flushdns” then, I can join my domain on the main server. I also clear both caches when going back to the development machine.

I suspect that the https problem is related to the fact that I requested a Let’s Encrypt certificate on my virtual machine with the “” script. Thus, the certificate of my domain on the main server is still valid for quite some days and is different from that on the virtual server. When the web browser checks the certificate on the main server, it sees that it does not match the newly issued one for the virtual machine??? I will try to delete the ones issued for the virtual machine and see what it will do.

I am looking forward to your French NethServer page.


P.S. I just checked with TOR and all is working, for now… It might be the web DNS cache before been updated from I will wait a few days to put back the https in the above links.

workable now, thank

I can browse the https version

Salut Stéphane.

After I requested a new Let’s Encrypt certificate, with all the CNAME of, for the virtual machine and then halting it, I guess it tooks some time for all DNS databases at Let’s Encrypt to be updated or to forget the old one in cache not containing all the CNAME.

Even so, I will still wait a few days to update the above links in my previous post, just in case I missed something…

In my reply to your last post, I should have mentioned that I configured the NethServer DHCP to supply AD container IP address as DNS and WIN servers.
I also added the IP address of the AD container to be the first DNS server of the working station and added that IP to be the Win server of the station and activated NetBios over TCP/IP. You can see this config at
For RSAT, I do not see where it could have helped.

Still looking foward to If you need something…


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Well I hope that I do not have opened a pandora box :smiley:

There is some time that I had this idea in mind, either make a portal for the French speaker with link redirections to the English resources or clearly a full French website with French resources
…but the last idea is really a huge time consuming.

What I would like first is to create the idea that NethServer could be close of French People (the meaning here is : people who speaks french), we could even go to a French forum, why not, but this needs to have a lot of moderators, skilled system administrator and time.

Even if he could be fun.

I am not a web designer, for now it is a wordpress running behind, we could redesign it from scratch.

Salut Stéphane,

WordPress is not difficult to maintain, redesign is something else.


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