Fisrt of all, I ant want to thank @jaapvdv.
Since I start here, in the community, I try to convince that make Nethserver more Mac OS user friendly can be a good thing… With this kind of argumentation, and demand from community members, it will be easier
And thank again to show that my experimentations are a public utility
A package Nethserver-avahi already exist… We only have to invertigate where is it and to make it available in the center sofware, it can be realy easy to make a one click install.
Avahi as a standalone package in the software center
For the Netatalk and AFP share, ir’s more complicate to implemant as one click install…
I imagine this scenario:
1 - make a nethserver package to instal and configure the firewall ( open the port for all green subnet).
2- use the actual Smb share module to define what to share with what "rights"
3- make a button to set the previous definition as a AFP share.
I waiting impatient a good wiki developer documentation to make the first point ( subliminal message inside ) to make a nethserver-netatalk package.
Or a developer help to do this point
The second point already exist.
The third point is to define entirely…