Does the Github wiki is really shit?

[troll mode off]

Don’t tell us that it’s a lack of sysadmin :laughing:

Maybe the community should raise funds to host their wiki

In another words : Give us a lever and a place to stand, and we will move the world.

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@stephdl you should ask SSH keys and push more RPMs to :smile:

Thanks davidep, I will answer to your invitation later, I need to think about a billion stuffs before, did I never speak about freedom and sustainable development ways.

concerning a community wiki I tried to involve the community, maybe it was to soon → Nethserver wiki Howto and I started to do some doc documentation [Stephdl Repository]

That’s not fair @stephdl :wink:
It’s not a money problem, for me, it’s more a technical problem. We can build up, pay and maintain the host right here and right now, but I’d like to look ahead, keeping a good integration with Discourse and trying to not thrown effort away

What do you think about something like this?

Is it doable?

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If you accept some suggestions.
The first page of our community is not the perfect way for a good immersion.

I would prefer something like this:

A page like this give a better orientation for the newcomer.

And looking yet Yunohost…They use Simone:

I missed the point why to use github and dokuwiki together, dokuwiki is the way to go, yes, but it can track versions alone and the backup is simple since there is no database…fetch the folder in a tar.gz each hour/day and it is done.

Why doing simple when you can do it difficult :smile:

Edit : Others have thought before me, if discourse can be used as a wiki →

In short : NO

Edit2 : there is no plugin to authenticate dokuwiki through discourse, time to develop one.

Thanks for the interesting discussion, good points are explained there.
Maybe using the Github authentication could be simpler:

Markdown plugin is needed too, so we can copy/paste howtos born here on community or drafts extracted from posts
This looks better supported:

BRRRRRRR :smile:

Please @zamboni, could you explain what do you mean with BRRR ? :confused:
I’m going to point out that it could be offensive to who are trying to debate here, please always provide reasoned counter-arguments that improve the conversation

I don’t like discourse
I think a REAL wiki is really needed
I think that copy and paste from here to there is a bad thing
I think that using external services is not a good idea (BTW, what if tomorrow the hoster of this discourse instance will close? it already happened)

And I add: someone here, a VERY experienced and propositive user, already told all of it since the beginning… and I see he’s getting more frustrated (as I am)

You don’t like many things man, every time, and imho that approach isn’t constructive.
That’s the discussion, baby. Don’t you like it?
Be the change you want to see in the world :kissing_smiling_eyes:

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well… AFAICT, since the beginning of this “community” site many users ask for a REAL wiki andfor documentation…

since the community wants such a feature (and all of us can see the daily requests for documentation improvement), why there’s no wiki?

maybe my approach is not constructive, but it seems that what community wants is not what community has…

My 2cents: let’s use redmine wiki.

Edit: we already have it in place and it’s working (and we used it).

…until we moved the documentation to ReadTheDocs! Since that time I don’t see any big contribution to the wiki on Redmine, whilst ReadTheDocs was expanded a lot with Pull Requests from GitHub. yes, I think it can be enhanced further, however as @alefattorini said and I agree with him, this is the right way to collaborate with the documentation easing the contribution from everyone.

I second this.
We already have everything, we have user accounts in place, we will have only one place for everything, we can begin to write docs NOW.
When we will find the perfect wiki, we will move contents there.

I’d also like to modify the landing page of according to Jim’s suggestions.

I just wrote my first page, see Contribution sections here:

There are still a lot of (old) pages:

I think ReadTheDocs and the wiki has two different targets.
The first one is for the official manual, the second one is for contributions.

Because we used it only for temporary developer documentation.