Change account provider setting / Re-install from scratch

NethServer Version: NethServer release 7.5.1804 (final)
Module: ldap

Hi all,
after a hurried installation of Account provider (LDAP) I realized that the URI is ldap:// and is not reachable from the LAN by third-party applications.
Is there any way to change LdapURI from ldap:// to ldap:// without data loss?
Is there a possibility to edit the settings without doing damage or do I have to uninstall and install from scratch?


I think, on the client, you can just replace the host address in the URI with the server IP or FQDN. Make sure openldap service’s port is accessible from green zone.

Here’s and example of a 3rd. party app connecting to ldap:

NethServer developer documentation have more info that could be of use.


carry over the commands used to change LdapURI if they can be useful to others:

config setprop sssd LdapURI ldaps://directory.domain.tld
signal-event nethserver-sssd-save
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