Can you change the root password on the website?

NethServer Version: 7 rc2

I following this link Needs tests : nethserver-password but it appears only change additional users and not the root.

I change the root password in NS server console and it worked.

It is easy:

From the terminal login with your root user then execute passwd, change the key and ready

Sorry, You want to change the password from the web?

The root user was created from the installation. It is a user outside the administration of NethServer, unless some module was created for its modification. But I prefer to use the terminal for the root user

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I already changed the passeword on NS like you posted and it worked.

Changing on the website is excellent for remote support though.

You can change the password on root’s profile page (top-right corner: root@server.domain.tld menu)

Here is a screenshot recently posted by @davidep:


Thanks :slight_smile:

It’s true, I thought they wanted to change from the menu (Users and Groups)
