Any way to add custom entries to the public addressbook?

NethServer Version: 7.4
Module: LDAP/Roundcube

I’m interested in adding further entries to the public LDAP addressbook displayed in roundcube. As it is it only list existing LDAP/nethserver users, but I’d like to add further entries that are not based on existing users, fx name, email. Is that possible and what would be the most straightforward way to do this.

best regards

Hi @curunir,

by default the mail addresses in the roundcube LDAP addressbook are bound to NethServer users AFAIK. One would have to reconfigure openldap (new addressbook ou) and roundcube (ldap filter settings) for allowing that. I don’t know if it’s possible to write to LDAP via roundcube, so you may use phpldapadmin in kamikaze mode to add mail address entries.
I actually have no experience doing this but when I find some time, I’ll try it.

Found some links:

Writing to LDAP:

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I tried it now and it’s really easy with openldap:

Install phpldapadmin and enable kamikaze mode:

Login to phpldapadmin and create address book entry and you are ready: (scroll down to “Adding address book entries”)

I couldn’t manage it with AD because I didn’t know objecttype and ntsecurityidentifier which are mandatory fields in AD. Maybe it could be achieved by comparing and trying but that’s too much for me now…

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