7 alpha 3 is Here, Spread the Word!

We ’re about a few days from the released NethServer 7 alpha 3! There is much that is new and improved in this release and we need your help to make sure everybody knows.

Social Networks

Much of the conversation around NethServer happens over social media. And it is your advocacy that will help others find out about the release! You can re-tweet and share the messages we put out on our Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus and Linkedin.

News Sites

A very important area where you can help is with submissions to news sites. That includes the likes of Slashdot, reddit and many others you can think of, especially those in your local languagethey should have a post about the NethServer release and you can make that happen!

Here is a nice text you can use, or translate, in order to submit the NethServer 7 alpha 3 announcement to sites:

This release marks significant improvements, finally NethServer Alpha 3 brings the Active Directory integration and a centralized account management (so-called “multi-site”).

The link to our announcement blog will be available Monday.

So get out there and be ready to spread the word!

Small request Is there anyone who can create nice banners that we can put up on blogs or website to promote the upcoming release?


These are very good news!!! Please, mind this

NS7 Alpha2 installations should not be updated anymore



I see nothing yet on Distrowatch :wink:

What`s new in Alpha3?

No announcement so far, next Monday.
Surprise! :slight_smile:


Thanks to Marius Nestor for this story:

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We’re on DistroWatch, too


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We’re on reddit too! Please help me to voting the link :slight_smile: or replying to the people!

Thanks to @davidochobits for this!

I have published alpha3 announcement on social!
Please share/retweet
